TSK Inc.  
TSK Inc.

Safety Education

Safety Management Education

Our company conducts safety management and etiquette training for all employees every three months. The sites we handle range from large to small projects. We believe that instilling a safety consciousness in each employee contributes to safe and smooth operations. To prevent labor accidents caused by human error that may occur on construction sites, we provide thorough training on essential topics from the fundamental principle of “Safety First” to “Disposal Standards for Protective Gear” and “Measures in Case of an Accident.”

Introduction to Training Content

Safety Management Education
Safety Management Education Text (16 pages)

Safety Management Education Materials
Safety Management Education Materials (4 pages)

Training Topics

About Safety First

Disposal Standards for Protective Gear, Safety Helmets, Safety Belts

On-site KY Methods and Key Points

Characteristics of Safety Measures by General Contractors

Differences Between Construction and Subcontracting on Site

Accident Cases and Countermeasures; Confirmation of Basic Safety Rules

Command and Control System

Clothing and Safety Gear Upon Site Entry

Inspection Before Work Commencement

Electrical Handling (Including Electric Tools)

Hazards of Machinery, Raw Materials, and Fuels

Handling of Firearms and Hazardous Materials

Fall Prevention Measures

Response to Environmental Issues; Sorting and Disposal on Site

Organization, Arrangement, Cleaning, Hygiene, and Discipline

Preventing Harm to Third Parties

Qualified Work

Work Restrictions

“Health Checkups” and Their Utilization

Do Not Enter Dangerous Areas (No Entry Zones)

Safety Communication from Related Business Partners

Accident Cases and Their Countermeasures

Utilization of Workers’ Accident Compensation Insurance

Measures in Case of an Accident
